


Our general terms and conditions apply to all offers, quotations, projects, agreements and legal dealings, and consist of the Algemene Voorwaarden van DuPho [General Terms and Conditions of the Dutch Photographers Association]. The general terms and conditions are printed on the back of this notepaper, provided by email or made available in person. By awarding a job to us you declare that you accept and acknowledge the applicability of the general terms and conditions as well as the applicable additional conditions furthermore you declare that you have received the general terms and conditions as wells as the applicable additional conditions and that you are familiar with the contents thereof. The applicability of other terms and conditions are hereby explicitly declined.


DuPho. | Dutch Professional Photographers

Piet Heinkade 181-K


© DuPho. August 2016
The original Dutch version of these General Terms and Conditions has been filed with the Court of Amsterdam under reference number 66/2016